Russian language, brief history
As is known, the Russian language is considered one of the largest languages in the world. It is the most common among Slavic languages. It is the only state language of the Russian Federation... More...
As is known, the Russian language is considered one of the largest languages in the world. It is the most common among Slavic languages. It is the only state language of the Russian Federation... More...
In the process of this complex translation, a piece in one language is created in another one. It is worth remembering that the literary works, unlike music, painting etc. can’t be understood without...More...
No business, regardless of the direction of its activity, can do without technical documents. They largely reflect the essence of the company, give the partners a clear idea of this or that line of work and are the key to long and mutually beneficial relations... More...
All technical documents in the world, with rare exceptions, are available in English. Therefore to make a high-quality translation of technical documentation, it is very important for a translation...More...